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Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by Liz Wiseman (Summary)
3 min readDec 19, 2021
The book in 3 lines:
- Multipliers stretch the capability of their resources. Multipliers invest in others in a way that builds independence to allow others to apply their full intelligence to the work at hand, and also to expand their scope and influence.
- Diminishers are costly to organisations. They limit the growth of people and prevent organisations from leveraging the intelligence of other employees.
- Diminishes get only 50% of the value of people. Multipliers get the full value of people, and sometimes even more.
My nuggets + Actionable items to become a multiplier:
- Multipliers and diminishers differ in the way they look at the people on their teams — as a talent to be developed VS. a resource to be deployed
- In 1–1 meetings, ask about the blockers, and not just project status. “What is getting in the way of your getting successful?”
- Ask direct reports: “What is the next challenge for you?” “What would be a stretch assignment?”
- Find and label someone’s native genius to help unlock the ability for them. People are often unaware of what they are naturally good at. Helping to identify…